Aku Adalah Aku
Chess is My Life
Friday, 30 November 2007
Wednesday, 28 November 2007
Chess Strategy

Chess Strategy
by Frank Marshall and J.C.H. Macbeth
The intelligent reader may enquire: "Why am I supposed to study Chess Strategy, while I have only a very slender knowledge of the Chess Openings?" The reply to this question is, that learning Chess is somewhat similar to learning a language. We all know that children acquire a certain vocabulary of their native tongue before they begin to delve into the mysteries of grammar and syntax, and, as a matter of fact, a considerable proportion of people of all nationalities are content to go through life without troubling themselves to learn the laws and principles which govern their language. In Chess, knowledge of the moves and how to play under certain given conditions is equivalent to acquiring a vocabulary in a language, and the syntax may be said to be the study and analysis of the Openings, which we have therefore reserved for a later stage, by which time the student will be better equipped for the task of making himself conversant with the subtleties and beauties of the many and complex variations in the different Chess Openings.
Some Opening Principles and Chess Strategies
For the purpose of study and analysis, a game of Chess is divided into three phases – the Chess Opening, the Middle Game, and the End Game.
The Chess Opening consists of the first six or eight moves, when both sides endeavor to develop their forces into the sphere of action where they will exercise the greatest power against the opponent’s defenses. By this time the reader will be in a position to understand the following principles with regard to the Chess Opening – principles which experience has proved cannot be deviated from with impunity.
* Avoid Moving a Chess Piece Twice During the Opening is a good chess strategy.
This means that when you have developed a piece, it should not be moved again until the other pieces have been developed. If a piece has been attacked, it must, of course, be moved, but this is not a violation of the rule, as the opponent in all probability has departed from principle in attacking your piece, which will ultimately prove to be advantageous to you.
* It is Better Chess Strategy to Develop the Knights before Their Respective Bishops.
This principle does not mean that both Knights should be developed before bringing out a Bishop, but that it is advisable to play say the King’s Knight before the King’s Bishop, and similarly on the Queen’s side.
The following is an example of the consequences that may ensue by violating the foregoing principles and strategies.
White Black
1.e4 e5
2.Nf3 d6
3.Bc4 Bg4
Here Black has violated the strategy principle by playing the Bishop instead of the Knight.
4.Nc3 Nc6
5.0-0 Nd4
Black has again played contrary to the principle strategy, in moving the Knight twice during the Opening.
6.Nxe5 dxe5
Best. If at his 6th move Black plays 6...Bxd1, White gives Mate in two moves: 7.Bf7+ Ke7 8.Nd5#, and Knight Mates.
The move in the text leaves him a pawn minus and an inferior position.
* A good chess strategy is to Develop Both Knights before the Queen’s Bishop.
* A good chess strategy is Do Not Develop your Chess Pieces Exclusively on One Side.
* A good chess strategy is as a Rule Do Not Play a Piece beyond Your Own Side of the Board in the Opening.
This last principle means that you should not play a piece beyond its 4th square, until by development you have the other pieces ready to back up any incursions the piece may make into enemy territory. In some forms of Opening, however, this principle is disregarded, notably in the Ruy Lopez, but in that case, it is attacking an important piece which the opponent is supposed to require for his defense.
* A good chess strategy is if You Have Castled Do Not Permit the Opponent to Open a File on Your King.
* A good chess strategy is to Avoid Pinning the Opponent’s King’s Knight before He has Castled, Especially When You Have Yourself Castled on the King’s Side.
* A good chess strategy is to Avoid Making Exchanges which Develop Another Piece for the Opponent.
It might be thought that the wisdom of this last principle was self-evident, but many beginners constantly disregard it. If, however, the piece which is developed by the capture is the Queen, compensation for the loss of balance in the development of the forces may be obtained by attacking the adverse Queen, which should not, as a rule, be brought too early into action.
* A good chess strategy is to Avoid Exchanging Bishops for Knights Early in the Game.
We have seen that in the early stages of a game the Bishops have a longer range than the Knights, so it is clearly advisable to keep them in the field as long as possible. The disparity between the two pieces gradually tapers off as the game progresses, until in the End Game the Knight is frequently more powerful than the Bishop because its action is not limited to one color of square as is that of the Bishop.
* A good chess strategy is to Avoid Premature Attacks.
It is probable that more games are lost by beginners through disregard of this principle than from any other cause. An attack should never be launched until there is sufficient force in the field to carry it to a successful conclusion, and a premature attack almost inevitably recoils on the head of the attacker. The following is a classic example of the result of violation of some of the foregoing principles, and the position brought about may be reached in a number of different ways.
White Black
1.e4 e5
2.Nf3 Nc6
3.Bc4 Nf6
4.0-0 Bc5
5.d3 d6
6.Bg5 h6
White’s 6th move clearly violates the principle of avoiding the pin of the adverse King’s Knight before Castling, and after he himself has Castled on the King’s side. If instead of retreating the Bishop after Black’s 6th move, he takes the Knight, it is evident that he will violate another principle, for after 7...gxf6, Black will have a open file for his Rook, bearing directly on White’s King.
7.Bh4 g5
8.Bg3 h5
White’s game is now as good as lost. He is threatened with the loss of his Bishop by 9...h4, and if he plays 9.h3 to make an opening for it, 9...g4 by Black will perforce open a file for Black’s menacing and powerful King’s Rook.
9.Nxg5 h4
With all his forces ready for an onslaught on the White King, Black ignores the threat of 10.Nxf7, attacking his Queen.
10.Nxf7 hxg3
11.Nxd8 Bg4
12.Qd2 Nd4
Now play as he may, White cannot escape from disaster.
13.Nc3 Nf3+
14.gxf3 Bxf3
Black Mates in a move or two.
White cannot escape the consequences of his ill-advised Opening by playing as his 13th move 13.h3, as Black’s reply will be 13...Ne2+ 14.Kh1, then Black plays 14...Rxh3+, and after 15.gxh3 Bf3# Mates.
If, instead of moving his King, White at Move 14 in this variation plays 14.Qxe2, then 14...Bxe2 will leave Black a piece to the good with a winning position.
* A good chess strategy is Seeking a Weak Spot in Opponent’s Position.
Suppose that both sides have developed their game without disregarding any of the foregoing principles, and that the stage of the Middle Game has been reached, sooner or later one of the players makes a doubtful move which weakens his position, and success in Chess, in a great measure, depends upon the ability of the opponent to detect this weakness, and then take full advantage of it.
It is only by experience derived from assiduous practice and observation that players acquire the knowledge which is requisite to enable them accurately to gauge a weakness in the opponent’s position, and the only assistance we can render is to give some examples, taken from games actually played, and demonstrate the weak points in the positions, and how advantage was taken of them. In order that the reader may derive the greatest possible benefit from these examples, he should always set up the pieces from the various diagrams, and, before consulting the text, endeavor to find out whether White or Black has the better position, what weakness exists, and finally how to direct the attack on that weakness. It will be practically useless merely to set up the position and then proceed right away to play the moves that are given.
This position was reached in a game between Johner and Marshall at the International Tournament at Pestyen, in 1912. A cursory examination might lead to the conclusion that as White has a pawn to the good, and Black’s c-pawn is weak and unsupported, the position is favorable to White, but White cannot play 1.Rxc5 without losing the game.
White Black
1.Rxc5 Ne2+
2.Kh2 (best) Qf4+
3.g3 Nxg3
It is clear that White’s position is hopeless.
There is, however, a great weakness in White’s position, inasmuch as he is defending his Bishop with his Queen, which, with all the open files at his disposal, is a fine target for Black’s Rooks. The following moves indicate how swiftly and inexorably Black availed himself of this weakness.
Black1.Kh2 Rfd82.Qe4 Re83.Qd5 Re5 Resigns
White resigns, because if he plays 4.Qd7 to protect his Bishop, Black will play 4...Re7 again attacking the Queen and the Bishop is lost.

Game commentary from IM Malcolm Pein
IM Malcolm Pein writes for the Daily Telegraph. Kramnik,V (2729) - Bruzon,L (2652) [D52]
37th Olympiad
1.Nf3 d5 2.d4 Nf6 3.c4 c6 4.Nc3 e6 5.Bg5 Nbd7 6.e3 Qa5 7.cxd5 Nxd5 8.Qd2 Bb4 9.Rc1 h6 10.Bh4 0-0 10...c6-c5 is another plan 11.a3 [more dynamic than 11.Bd3 e5 12.0-0 Re8 Threatening e5-e4 played in Alekhine-Bogulyubow WCC 1929] 11...Bxc3 12.bxc3 Qxa3 13.e4 Ne7 [An improvement on 13...N5b6 played in Kramnik - Lobron, Frankfurt 1995 The knight is needed near the king 13...N5b6] 14.Bd3 Ng6 15.Bg3 e5 [15...b6 16.0-0 Bb7 17.e5 c5? (17...Qe7 18.Be4 Rfe8 19.Qd3 Ndf8 20.h4) 18.d5! Bxd5 19.Ra1 Qb3 20.Rfb1] 16.0-0 There is no need to hurry White has the centre and the two bishops 16...Re8 17.Rfe1 Qa5
17...Qe7 18.Qb2 [18.Qc2!?] 18...Qd8 19.Bb1 a5 20.Rcd1 a4 21.Ba2 Blocking the a pawn and threatening the black king 21...Qe7 22.Qc1 Ra5 [The rook proves vulnerable 22...b5 was better 23.h4 exd4 24.Nxd4 (if 24.cxd4 b4 25.h5 Ngf8 26.Qxc6 Ra6 27.Qb5 b3 28.Bb1) 24...Nde5] 23.Qd2 exd4? Losing patience 24.Nxd4 Coming to f5 24...Qc5 [24...Nde5 25.f4; 24...Ndf8 25.Nf5 Qf6 26.Nd6 Rd8 27.f4 and e4-e5] 25.Bc7! Ra8? 26.Bxf7+! Kxf7 27.Qa2+ Kf8 [27...Kf6 loses to 28.Bd8+!! Rxd8 29.Qe6+ Kg5 30.Nf3+ Kf4 (30...Kh5 31.g4#) 31.g3+ Kxf3 32.Rd3+ mates] 28.Ne6+ Rxe6 29.Qxe6 Ne7 30.Re3 [Apparently Bruzon hoped to obtain the position from the previous note after 30.Bd6 Qg5 31.Re3 Ne5 but Kramnik changes the move order nailing the knight to d7 in view of the threat at Rd8] 30...Ke8 31.Rf3 Qh5 32.Bd6
Black resigned as mate is inevitable.[32.Bd6 Qg5 33.Rf7] 1-0
Monday, 26 November 2007
Excellent K and P endgame lesson

This endgame brilliancy was sent in by young Eve Zhurbinskiy. She is White and Samuel Chatsky is Black.
It is White to move. How do you assess the position? How should White proceed? This is a very good endgame to study from.
Labels: endgame, Eve Zhurbinskiy, K and P endgame
Practical chess tactic

Labels: Chess tactic, Puzzle Solving

The coalition's spokeswoman Lyudmila Mamina told AFP that the police did not proffer any explanations for the raid in the office housing the party's website.
"They had no documents, acted on the authority of some secret decree, so they could not say what it was about," she said.
"They wrote down passport data of all our staff, drew a map of the office, and wrote down that they found nothing criminal, no drugs, no weapons."
"It was all connected to (Saturday's) March of Dissenters. It was an attempt to scare off its organisers," said, adding: "Our staff reacted calmly. This is not the first such raid, a year ago they broke in with weapons ..."
The March of the Dissenters is due to be held in Moscow on Saturday morning. Kasparov, who intends to stand for the presidency, will lead the "Russia without Putin" march.
Leaders of Russia's liberal opposition party, the Union of Right Forces (SPS), on Friday nominated an architect of post-Soviet economic reform, Boris Nemtsov, as their presidential candidate.
The decision comes after President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday dubbed his political opponents Western-funded "jackals," amid an increasingly tense run-up to March's presidential poll.
About 200 activists from across Russia attended Friday's meeting of the SPS, which has signalled a determination to keep fighting despite abysmally low poll ratings and warnings of disunity in opposition ranks.
Here is the full story.
FIDE Champion Finds Trouble At Linares

It was only five months ago that GM Veselin Topalov shook up the chess world with his impressive winning record at the World Chess Championships in San Luis, Argentina. GM Topalov finished a full 1.5 points head of the world's top competition without losing a single game. Today we are in the middle of the Ciudad de Linares International Chess Tournament, one of the most popular and toughest super GM tournaments of the year. Where is GM Topalov? He's in seventh place of an eight player field with a less then stellar record of 2.5/7.
Was it just a lucky winning streak?
Some would think not. GM Topalov won Linares and the M-Tel Masters tournament last year giving him a very successful year. However, ICC analyst GM Gregory Kaidanov interviewed GM Viswanathan Anand in San Luis, Argentina during the FIDE World Championships. GM Anand said of GM Topalov's play at the time "What can I say? Topalov will not be able to keep this [3000 performance rating] tournament after tournament".
Although many did not believe this at the time, it has proved to be true. GM Topalov has been unable to maintain this high level performance during this year's Linares. After seven rounds of action GM topalov has managed to pull out only one win on top of three draws and three losses.
Linares is on their travel break in which all players are flying from Morelia, Michoacan Mexico to Linares, Spain for the second half of the action. There's a seven hour time difference between the first half and the second half of the tournament. Can GM Topalov pull it together and finish out the second half of the tournament with a better performance?
Tune into the ICC for live relay coverage and live audio coverage of this fantastic tournament.
Standings After Round 7:
5.0 GM Peter Leko (Hungary 2740)
4.5 GM Levon Aronian (Armenia 2752)
4.0 GM Peter Svidler (Russia 2765)
3.5 GM Vassily Ivanchuk (Ukraine 2729)
3.5 GM Teimour Radjabov (Azerbaijan 2700)
3.0 GM Francisco Vallejo Pons (Spain 2650)
2.5 GM Veselin Topalov (Bulgaria 2801)
2.0 GM Etienne Bacrot (France 2717)
Kasparov sentenced to 5 days in jail
Kasparov Jailed for 5 Days
By MANSUR MIROVALEV – 2 hours ago
MOSCOW (AP) — Former chess champion Garry Kasparov was convicted of leading an opposition protest and sentenced to five days in jail by a Moscow court Saturday.
Kasparov and dozens of other demonstrators were detained hours earlier after riot police clashed with Kremlin opponents following a protest rally that drew several thousand people.
The former chess champion was forced to the ground and beaten, his assistant Marina Litvinovich said in a telephone interview from outside the police station where Kasparov was held.
"What you've heard is all lies," Kasparov said after the sentence was read. "The testimony is contradictory. There was not a single word of truth."
Two riot police testified in court that they had been given direct orders before the rally to arrest Kasparov, one of President Vladimir Putin's harshest critics. One of the policemen acknowledged that the two reports he had filed were contradictory.
Kasparov was charged with organizing an unsanctioned procession "of at least 1,500 people directed against President Vladimir Putin," of chanting anti-government slogans and of resisting arrest.
THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below.
MOSCOW (AP) — Riot police beat and detained opposition leader Garry Kasparov Saturday as they took dozens of protesters into custody at a rally against President Vladimir Putin, his assistant said.
The former chess champion was forced to the ground and beaten, his assistant Marina Litvinovich said in a telephone interview from outside the police station where Kasparov was held.
He was later taken to a city court, where he was charged with organizing an unsanctioned protest and resisting arrest. The court proceedings were continuing Saturday evening and it was unclear whether Kasparov would be released.
"What we see today is the implementation of Putin's plan," Kasparov told journalists in the courtroom. "Putin's plan" is what the dominant pro-Kremlin party is calling its platform in the current parliamentary campaign.
Police also detained Eduard Limonov, leader of the National Bolshevik Party, who has been Kasparov's closest partner in a broad opposition coalition.
Kasparov, one of Putin's harshest critics, and other opposition politicians have come under growing pressure before Dec. 2 parliamentary elections.
Here is the full AP story.

Posted: 2007-11-25 12:27:17
MOSCOW (Nov. 245) - Russian authorities arrested former world chess champion Garry Kasparov on Saturday and sentenced him to five days in prison after he helped lead a protest against President Vladimir Putin that ended in clashes with police.
Kasparov, one of President Vladimir Putin's harshest critics, was charged with organizing an unsanctioned procession of at least 1,500 people against Putin, chanting anti-government slogans and resisting arrest, court documents said. His assistant said he was beaten during the demonstration.
At the hastily organized trial, two police testified that they had been ordered before the rally to arrest Kasparov.
"What you read is the fruit of a fantasy dictated on orders from above," Kasparov told the court.
The violence came amid an election campaign in which some opposition political groups have been sidelined by new election rules or have complained of being hobbled by official harassment.
The Kremlin has mounted a major campaign to orchestrate a crushing victory for Putin's United Russia party in Dec. 2 parliamentary elections - perhaps to ensure that Putin can continue to rule Russia even after he steps down as president in May. The constitution prevents him from serving three consecutive terms.
The fracas also comes at a time of growing concern in the West over the state of democracy in Russia, with western critics saying freedoms have been curtailed during Putin's eight years in office. Putin accuses the West of meddling in Russian politics.
Kasparov and dozens of other demonstrators were detained after the rally which drew several thousand people.
The opposition activist was forced to the ground and beaten, his assistant Marina Litvinovich said in a telephone interview from outside the police station where Kasparov was held.
"Putin's brakes don't work," Kasparov told a reporter in the courtroom. "I didn't hear any orders from police, unless you count the strike of a police club as an order."
Here is the full AP story.
Big upsets in the 1st round of the WC

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Qb6 5.Nb3 Nf6 6.Nc3 e6 7.Bg5 Be7 8.Qd2 0–0 9.0–0–0 Rd8 10.Qe1 d6 11.f4 a6 12.Kb1 Qc7 13.Bd3 b5 14.Rg1 b4 15.Ne2 e5 16.g4 exf4 17.Nxf4 Qa7 18.Bh4 a5 19.g5 Ne8 20.Bf2 Qb8 21.Nd5 Bf8 22.Bb6 Bb7 23.Bxd8 Qxd8 24.Bb5 Nc7 25.Bxc6 Bxc6 26.Nd4 Bb7 27.Nf5 Nxd5 28.exd5 Kh8 29.Qf2 Rc8 30.h4 Rc5 31.Ne3 Rc7 32.h5 Bc8 33.Rdf1 a4 34.Nf5 b3 35.cxb3 axb3 36.Nd4 bxa2+ 37.Ka1 Kg8 38.g6 fxg6 39.hxg6 hxg6 40.Rh1 Qf6 41.Qh2 White wins 1–0
Click here to replay the game.
[White "Adams, Michael"]
[Black "Zugic, Igor"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[WhiteElo "2729"]
[BlackElo "2477"]
1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nd2 c5 4. Ngf3 Nc6 5. exd5 exd5 6. Bb5 Bd6 7.dxc5 Bxc5 8. O-O Ne7 9. Nb3 Bd6 10. Re1 O-O 11. Bd3 h6 12. h3 Nf5 13.c3 Qf6 14. Bc2 Rd8 15. Qd3 g6 16. Qd2 Bf8 17. Qf4 Bd6 18. Qd2 Bf8 19.Qe2 Nd6 20. Nbd4 Re8 21. Qf1 Rxe1 22. Qxe1 Bd7 23. Bb3 Nc4 24. Bxc4dxc4 25. Be3 Nxd4 26. Bxd4 Qe6 27. Qd2 Qd5 28. Rd1 Bxh3 29. Qf4 Qf530. Qg3 Bg4 31. Nh4 Qg5 32. Be3 Qh5 33. Rd4 Be6 34. Nf3 Qa5 35. Rh4 h536. Ng5 Qf5 37. Nxe6 Qxe6 38. Rxh5 Bg7 39. Rh4 Bf6 40. Rg4 Bg7 41. Qf3Re8 42. a4 b6 43. Rh4 Bf6 44. Rh1 Rd8 45. g3 Rd5 46. Kg2 Qf5 47. Bf4Rd3 48. Qa8+ Rd8 49. Qf3 Rd3 50. Qa8+ Rd8 51. Qf3 1/2-1/2
[White "Kamsky, Gata"]
[Black "Adly, Ahmed"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[WhiteElo "2714"]
[BlackElo "2494"]
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 a6 6. Bg5 e6 7. f4Nbd7 8. Qf3 Be7 9. Bd3 Qb6 10. Nb3 h6 11. Qh3 Ng4 12. Bxe7 Qf2+ 13.Kd1 Ne3+ 14. Kc1 Kxe7 15. Qg3 Qxg3 16. hxg3 Ng4 17. Be2 Ngf6 18. g4Rg8 19. g5 hxg5 20. fxg5 Ne8 21. Nd4 Ne5 22. Nf3 Bd7 23. Kd2 Rc8 24.Nxe5 dxe5 25. Rh7 Nd6 26. Bd3 Bc6 27. Ke3 a5 28. b3 b5 29. Ne2 Rh8 30.Rah1 Rxh7 31. Rxh7 g6 32. Ng1 Be8 33. Nf3 Rc5 34. a3 b4 35. a4 Bc6 36.Rh4 Nb7 37. Kd2 Nd6 38. Ng1 Ba8 39. Ne2 Rc8 40. c3 bxc3+ 41. Nxc3 Nb742. Bc2 Rd8+ 43. Ke1 Nc5 44. Nb1 Bb7 45. Nd2 Ba6 46. Nf3 Nd7 47. Rh1Rb8 48. Kd2 Rb4 49. Rh8 Bb7 50. Ke3 Nc5 51. Nd2 Ba6 52. Ra8 Rb7 53.Nf3 Kd6 54. g3 Rc7 55. Nd2 Rb7 56. Bd1 Kc6 57. Bc2 Rd7 58. Nf3 Kd6 59.Rb8 Kc7 60. Rh8 Bd3 61. Rh2 Bxc2 62. Rxc2 Rd3+ 63. Ke2 Kd6 64. Rd2Rxd2+ 65. Nxd2 Ke7 66. Kd1 f5 67. gxf6+ Kxf6 68. Kc2 Kg5 69. Kc3 Kg470. Kc4 Nb7 71. Kb5 Kxg3 72. Kc6 g5 73. Kxb7 Kf2 74. b4 axb4 75. a5 g476. a6 g3 77. a7 g2 78. a8Q g1Q 79. Qa7+ Kg2 80. Qa2 Qe3 81. Nc4+ Qf282. Qb1 Qd4 83. Qxb4 1/2-1/2
[White "Shabalov, Alexander"]
[Black "Pavasovic, Dusko"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "2626"]
[BlackElo "2597"]
1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 Nf6 4. g3 dxc4 5. Bg2 a6 6. O-O b5 7. Ne5 Nd58. Nc3 Bb7 9. Nxd5 exd5 10. e4 dxe4 11. Qh5 g6 12. Nxg6 fxg6 13. Qe5+Qe7 14. Qxh8 Nd7 15. h4 O-O-O 16. Bg5 Qf7 17. Bxd8 Bg7 18. Qxh7 Nf819. Qxg7 Qxg7 20. Bg5 Ne6 21. Bh3 Bd5 22. Rad1 Kb7 23. Be3 Qf8 24. Rd2Nd8 25. Bg2 Nc6 26. a3 Na5 27. Rdd1 Nb3 28. Rfe1 Qf6 29. Bg5 Qc6 30.g4 a5 31. Re2 b4 32. axb4 axb4 33. Be3 Qd7 34. g5 Qg4 35. Rde1 Qxh436. Rc2 Qg4 37. Kh2 Kb8 38. Kg1 Na5 39. Ra1 Nc6 40. Rd2 Ne7 41. Ra4Nf5 42. Rxb4+ Kc8 0-1
Kamsky advances - US results
1.Nf3 d5 2.g3 Nf6 3.Bg2 Bf5 4.0–0 e6 5.c4 c6 6.b3 Be7 7.Bb2 h6 8.d3 0–0 9.Nbd2 a5 10.Ne5 Bh7 11.Qc2 Na6 12.a3 Qb6 13.Qc3 Rfd8 14.d4 Qc7 15.c5 Nd7 16.Nxd7 Qxd7 17.b4 b6 18.Nf3 Qb7 19.Qd2 axb4 20.axb4 Bf6 21.Rfc1 bxc5 22.bxc5 Nb4 23.Bc3 Rxa1 24.Rxa1 Nc2 25.Rc1 Qb3 26.Ba5 Ra8 27.Bc7 Qb2 28.e3 Ra2 29.Ne5 Bxe5 30.Bxe5 Ra1 31.Rf1 Rxf1+ 32.Bxf1 Qb1 33.f3 Nb4 34.Kg2 Bd3 35.Bxd3 Nxd3 36.g4 f6 37.Bg3 e5 38.dxe5 fxe5 39.Qc3 Qd1 40.Qa3 Qe2+ 41.Kh3 Kh7 42.g5 Qxe3 43.Qa6 Qxf3 44.g6+ Kxg6 45.Qxc6+ Kh5 46.Qe8+ g6 47.Qxe5+ Nxe5 48.c6 Qf1# Black wins 0–1
Adly 0-1 Kamsky - Kamsky advances
Onischuk 1/2 Adriasian - Match goes to playoff
Vallejo Pons 1/2 Kudrin - Vallejo Pons advances
Navara 1-0 A. Ivanov - Navara advances
Becerra 0-1 Bareev - Bareev advances
Akobian 1/2 Roiz - Match goes to playoff
M. Gurevich 1/2 Kaidanov - Match goes to playoff
Pavasovic 1/2 Shabalov - Pavasovic advances
Shulman 1/2 Leitao - Match goes to playoff
Kontijen Kelatan 2007 (Serawak)
Kontijen Kelantan 2008 (MELAKA)
Kontijen Kelantan 2009 (SELANGOR)
My Time
Barangsiapa yang hafal dan mengamalkan...
Barangsiapa yang hafal dan mengamalkan tujuh kalimah ini akan dimuliakan oleh Allah dan malaikat dan akan diampuni dosa-dosanya walau sebanyak buih di lautan..
>>> 1.bismillahhirrahmannirrahim: pada tiap-tiap hendak melakukan sesuatu.
>>> 2.alhamdulliah:pada tiap-tiap habis melakukan sesuatu.
>>> 3.astagfirrullah:jika tersilap mengatakan sesuatu yang buruk.
>>> 4.insyaallah:jika ingin muelakukan sesuatu pada masa akan datang.
>>> 5.lahaulawalaquataillahbillah:bila tidak dapat melakukan sesuatu yang>>>>> agak berat atau melihat sesuatu yang buruk.
>>> 6.innalillah:jika menghadapi musibah atau melihat kematian.
>>> 7.laailaahaillallah:bacalah sepanjang siang dan malam sebanyak-
>>>banyaknya.amalkanlah selalu moga-moga kita tergolong dikalangan orang>>>yang terpilih oleh Allah.
>>> Anda ada dua pilihan sama ada:
>>> 1.biarkan dalam inbox anda tanpa bermanfaat utk org lain..
>>> 2.anda sebarkan @ forwardkan pada semua kenalan anda. sabda Rasulluah, "siapa yang menyampaikan satu ilmu dan orang yang mengamalkannya maka dia akan beroleh pahala walaupun sudah tiada...."
Shredder Computer Chess
Cikgu Baharuddin

BadBishop VS NanHunter



Cikgu Soffi VS BadBishops

Cikgu Sahadi,Cikgu NiK Mazlan dan Cikgu Hanis

GM Abe Lee
